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Technology Trends

4 latest trends in mobile app development

  • Sumayya
  • August 6, 2018

4 Latest trends in mobile app development

Year 2018 has maintained its pace in the advancements and is making its way towards the year of technological evolution – The Year 2020.

The connectivity via mobile app development has brought the world closer, as there have been remarkable improvements in the mobile app development. The latest trends in mobile app development have contributed to achieve milestones through performance, efficiency, and of course the innovations.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) Precisely, it’s the ultimate connectivity of smart devices over a network through embedded processors and sensors. The term Thing refers to any object to which an IP address can be assigned, to which a software can be integrated, and which has the ability to exchange data over a network with absolute smoothness. IoT does not necessarily require an internet connection or human interaction to carry the exchange of data. The devices do not have to be complex or intense, a toy operated by a mobile application or a production line in a factory operated with a software, both fall under the umbrella of IoT. Thousands of businesses have incorporated IoT to make their procedures efficient and lucrative to match the level of competition.
  • Gadgets and Wearable Devices Falling under the category of IoT – gadgets and wearable are the smart devices with micro-controllers that are worn on the body as accessories and have the ability to transfer data via the internet. Smartwatches/Fitbit and Google Glass are examples of wearable. The wearable technology has helped the users to track and compare their data and then mold their performance to yield the best-suited results. This technology has also proved to be lucrative to the app developers because the wearable devices need dedicated apps to function properly. The wearable technology is expected to make its distinct position in the market by the year 2020.
  • Instant Apps Google has introduced an amazing feature for the applications – Instant Apps. The ‘Try Now’ button allows the users to experience the functionality of instant apps without even having them installed onto their devices. Now the users can save their mobile storage by trying a bunch of applications first, then installing the one that suits them the most. Google has brought the mobile web closer to the native applications. BuzzFeed, Red Bull TV, and NYTimes (crossword) are a few examples of instant apps.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) The depiction of intelligence by machines or devices, rather than by a human is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The era of robots has begun, robots are widely and extensively assimilated in companies to attain ultimate efficiency and maximum productivity. Artificial Intelligence has been incorporated into robots by which they have become able to analyze and understand situations and act in the most preferable manner. Few of the greatest examples are the understandability of human speech by mobile phones (Siri), face recognition, and self-driving cars. AI has enabled the businesses to function 24/7 uninterruptedly. With the help of artificially intelligent robots, the operations can be looked after around-the-clock and customers’ reservations can be instantly facilitated.

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Sumayya is one of the best writers in Mayabytes with the experience of over a decade in the writing industry. Having a Master's Degree gives her an edge over technical aspects as well creativity. The knowledge she possesses in multiple niches is exceptional.